Data: 2 de Março, das 9h30 às 20h31

Distância: 6 Quilômetros

Este percurso anti horário tangenciou a borda do marco que delimitou seu desenho, a Necrópolis Criostobal Cólon. Não é possível contornar essa verdadeira cidade dos mortos, cravada no centro da cidade dos vivos sem reflexões sobre a desagregação inexorável da matéria, o que se refletiu nos desenhos e imagens capturadas durante o dia.

/ THE BONE CIRCLE, March 2th, 6 kilometers. This anti-clockwise course touched the border of the landmark that delimited its design, the Criostobal Colon Necroplis. It is not possible to get around this huge city of the dead, stuck in the center of the city of the living without reflections on the inexorable breakdown of matter, which was reflected in the drawings and images captured during the day. /


El dia se fue aclarando lentamente,

aunque siempre retrasado de luz con relación a la hora, sobre una ciudad destechada, llena de escombros y depojos,

puesta al hueso de sus vigas desnudas.

/ The day slowly cleared,although always delayed of light in relation to the hour, on a city larded, full of rubble and debris, put to the bone of its bare beams. /


Lo que se organizaba allí era una projection, una geometria descriptiva de lo vertical; una perspectiva falsa,  una figuración en dos dimensiones, de lo que pronto tendría altura, anchura y pavorosa profundidade.

/What was being organized there was a projection, a descreptive geometry of the vertical; a false perspective, a two-dimensional figuration, of what would soon have height, breadth and dreadful depth. /


Mas carbón que llamas

havia en el cuadro de um Trópico que, visto desde aqui, se hacia estático, agobiante y monótono, con sus paroxismos de colores siempre repetidos, sus crepusculos demasiados breves, sus noches caidas del cielo en lo que tardábase en traer las lamparas - largas noches alargadas por el silencio de quienes entraban en el sueño...

El Siglo de las Luces, Alejo Carpentier

More coal than flames there was in the picture of a Tropic that, seen from here, became static, overwhelming and monotonous, with its paroxysms of colors always repeated, their twilight too short, their nights fallen from the sky in what it took long to bring the lamps - long nights elongated by the silence of those who entered the dream ... / 

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