PARATY de 7 às 17

9 de agosto de 2017, 5 km

O percurso coincide com o perímetro do centro histórico. Devido a suas modestas dimensões foi possível realizar um desenho panorâmico  que apresenta todos os edifícios que delimitam esta área, numa visão fragmentada em função das diferentes perspectivas e mudanças do sol ao longo do dia.

/ PARATY from 7 to 17, August 9, 2017, 5 km
The route coincides with the perimeter of the historic center. Due to its modest dimensions it was possible to make a panoramic design that shows all the buildings that delimit this area, in a fragmented vision due to the different perspectives and changes of the sun throughout the day. /




Now the moment of performance, when it comes, is reached through two passageways - the foyer and the stagedoor. Are these, in symbolic terms, links or are they to be seen as symbols of separation?



" Sobre isto  escrevi agora algumas linhas, que não ficariam mal, se as acabasse, mas recuei a tempo e risco-as. Não vale a pena ir à cata das palavras riscadas."

Machado de Assis, Esaú e Jacó

BACK TO MACHADO: On this I have now written a few lines, which would not be bad if I would have them finished, but I stepped back in time and risked them. It is not worth looking at the scratched words. /

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